Teacher Training Programs





                The Teacher Certification Programs (described in the following links) in the ROYAL ARTS  include the following options: FOUNDATION TRAINING in Longevity Arts, Buddhist and Taoist CHI-KUNG, T'AI-CHI CH'UAN, XING-YI CH'UAN, PA-KUA CHANG, and SHAOLIN CH'UAN. All training focuses on internal work after a solid physical foundation is already in place. The training may be for extended periods or on a short, workshop-style basis.



The process of becoming a teacher is not painless, much work is required, and few people can handle it. 90% of all students who enroll in this type of training drop out after three months; the percentage of those remaining who manage to become qualified teachers is even more miniscule. It’s good to be clear about what you’re doing.      

To Register:
email Dr. Edward Orem: eorem@ureach.com